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Monday, August 24, 2020
My Favorite Leader †Zhou Enlai Essay
Unique As is known to every one of us, Zhou Enlai, as a socialist gathering part, the principal head and outside pastor of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), has a high notoriety from home and abroad. This paper remembers four sections for absolute. It begins with the short prologue to Zhou Enlai and afterward gives more consideration to the second part about his commitments. Following is the third part about assessments from local and global. The last part arrives at the resolution. Catchphrases: Zhou Enlai notoriety commitments assessments I. Presentation Zhou Enlai was conceived in Huai’an, Jiangsu Province on 5 March 1898, and kicked the bucket in Beijing on January 8, 1976. Zhou, a significant individual from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from its beginnings in 1921, was the principal Premier of PRC, serving from October 1949 to January 1976. In spite of the fact that Zhou cut off as the Chinese Foreign Minister just from 1949 to 1958, he was an ace in approach execution, with limitless limit with regards to subtleties. His aptitudes and capacity of ambassador dazzled individuals all round the globe. He was of incredible assistance in uniting the control of the Communist Party’s ascend to control, framing international strategies, and building up the Chinese economy. II. Commitments To the freedom of the Chinese individuals and the establishment of another China As I have referenced in the initial segment, Zhou was conceived toward the finish of the nineteenth century, when China was experiencing inward and outside. Along these lines, Zhou has committed himself to the reason for the freedom of the Chinese individuals since he was youthful. Somewhere in the range of 1920 and 1924, he concentrated in France and Germany under a work-study program and spread Marxism among Chinese understudies and laborers living there. He joined the Communist Party of China in 1922. During the time of the Great Revolution, he took a functioning part in the Northern Expedition and made significant commitments to the topple of the reactionary standard of the northern warlords. He was likewise one of the pioneers of Nanchang Uprising and one of the organizers of the People’s Army after the disappointment of the Great Revolution in 1927. In 1935, Zhou played an importantâ role in supporting Mao Zedong’s recommendations at Zunyi Conference which helped make the Long March of the Red Army an incredible achievement. At the point when the Red Army showed up in Northern Shaanxi Province, Zhou, working under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), for the benefit of the Communist Party, held talks with Chiang Kai-shek who received measures to right off the bat keep up inward security and afterward repulse outside intrusion, confronting the Japanese attack to Shenyang, China. During the dealings, Zhou immovably completed Chairman Mao’s approach, handily constrained Chiang Kai-shek to stop the common war and effectively prompted the tranquil settlement of the Xi’an Incident, and hence advanced the arrangement of hostile to Japanese national joined front. In the Liberation War of China, he saved no agonies to help Mao Zedong in arranging and instructing the Three Great Campaigns and setting up the new China. To Diplomatic Relations After New China was established, Premier Zhou likewise filled in as the Foreign Minister for a long time, during which he put forth careful attempts to build up the fundamental conciliatory arrangements and structure the Foreign Ministry, including detailing rules, frameworks and discretionary orders. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence proposed by Premier Zhou that †shared regard for regional trustworthiness and power, common non-animosity, non-impedance in each other’s interior undertakings, fairness and common advantage, and serene conjunction †remains the most significant standard and standard which authorities of the Foreign Ministry must comply with these days. The Geneva Conference In April 1954, Zhou, along with the designation of the People’s Republic of China, went to the Geneva Conference, which was to settle the progressing Franco-Vietnamese War. His understanding and wisdom helped the significant forces included (the Soviets, French, Americans, and North Vietnamese) to arrive at the understanding completion the contention, and made it conceivable that the autonomy of the three countriesâ€South Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia got the worldwide acknowledgment. In the mean time, for the Chinese Government, Zhou set forward the five standards of tranquil conjunction as the measure for the connection between nations. The Asianâ€African Conference In 1955, Zhou was a noticeable participator in the Asianâ€African Conference held in Indonesia. At the gathering, Zhou handily kept up the option to have Taiwan, requested the endorsement of the People’s Republic of China, set forward his represent â€Å"peaceful coexistence†and against â€Å"colonialism†, upheld â€Å"seeking shared view while setting aside differences†and made it conceivable that, the meeting created a solid announcement for harmony and effectively did the quiet conjunction of China’s international strategy. The Sino-American relations By the mid 1970s, Sino-American relations had started to improve. In January 1970, the Chinese welcomed the American ping-pong group to China, starting a period of â€Å"ping-pong diplomacy†. In 1971, Zhou met furtively with President Nixon’s security guide, Henry Kissinger, who had traveled to China to get ready for a gathering between Richard Nixon and Mao Zedong. After these gatherings, Zhou effectively let the United States consent to permit the exchange of American cash to China, to permit exchanges between American-claimed boats and China (under outside banners), and to permit Chinese fares into the United States since the Korean War. What’s more, the United States openly recognized that Taiwan was a natural piece of the People’s Republic of China. To advance the people’s prosperity During the foundation of the new Chinese government, he prevailing with regards to getting support from individuals from varying backgrounds, which gave a strong establishment to the development of the Chinese society and the combination of the new China. First remote pastor as he might have been, Zhou made it conceivable to make a universal domain positive for China’s development and to advance world harmony and human turn of events. In 1954, he proposed the four modernization objective of building a cutting edge industry, horticulture, transportation industry and national resistance, which advanced the quick improvement of the national science and innovation. During the Cultural Revolution, he endeavored to maintain control in the basic circumstance, and put forth an extraordinary attempt to spare companions being mistreated or detained. In 1975, in the interest of the Party, he reintroduced his â€Å"Four Modernization†â giving individuals the certainty and fearless ness to recreate China having been crushed and confounded by the Cultural Revolution, III. Assessments From residential After his passing, one million 500,000 individuals came to see his final resting place, and dedications for him were held all over. One of the commemoration reports committed to Zhou Enlai composed: â€Å"He hopes to have left nothing for us. But†¦he have hundreds a large number of youngsters and grandkids, and all the place where there is China is grave for him†. Qian Xuesen, father of the two bombs, once stated, â€Å"According to what numerous non-party individuals stated, they had no clue about the socialist party of China until they became acquainted with Zhou Enlai and it was a result of him that they started to have faith in the CCP.†The author Bing Xin communicated her profound respect that â€Å"Premier Zhou Enlai is the principal immaculate in the hearts of billion individuals of twentieth century†. From worldwide On January 8, 1976, it was the specific day of Zhou’s demise, before United Nations Headquarters in New York, the United Nations banner down a half-pole. The UN Secretary, who named General Kurt Waldheim, stated, â€Å"In request to grieve Zhou Enlai, the United Nations is to half-pole. There are two explanations behind me to settle on this choice: Firstly, China is an antiquated development with numerous endless fortunes of gold and silver, yet she has no penny of Premier Zhou’s stores; Secondly, China has a populace of one billion and records for 1/4 of world’s populace, yet she has no offspring of Premier Zhou.†The First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy once stated: â€Å"In the world I just love small time, that is, Zhou Enlai.†Sihanouk woman Monika likewise stated: â€Å"Zhou Enlai is my just idol!†To close this part, these assessments reflect his exceptional mind conciliatory abilities, yet additionally mirror our darling Premier Zhou honorab le qualities respected on the planet. IV. End As I have referenced above, Zhou Enlai appreciates a high notoriety in China just as in different nations, on account of his exceptional strategic abilities and dedication to the reason. Zhou dedicated himself to his motivation, putting forth unremitting attempts to spread Marxism, making commitments to theâ liberation of the Chinese individuals and the improvement of China and saving no agonies to advance the Chinese people’s prosperity and the tranquility of the world. List of sources 1.Ã¥' ¨Ã¦ ©Ã¦ ¥ 2. 3.Ã¥' ¨Ã¦ ©Ã¦ ¥ 4. Gao Wenqian. Zhou Enlai: The Last Perfect Revolutionary. NY: Public Affairs, 2007. 5. Lee, Chae-jin. Zhou Enlai: The Early Years. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1994. 6. Levine, Marilyn. The Found Generation: Chinese Communists in Europe during the Twenties. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 1993. 7. Wilson, Dick. Zhou Enlai: A Biography. New York: Viking, 1984 8. Tang Jiaxuan. Tang Jiaxuan Elaborates Zhou Enlai’s Diplomatic Thinking in Tianjin Nankai Middle School. ä ¸ Ã¥ žä º ºÃ¦ °'å… ±Ã¥'Å"å› ½Ã¥ ¤â€"ä º ¤Ã©Æ' ¨
Saturday, August 22, 2020
How to Easily Grow Silver Crystals
Step by step instructions to Easily Grow Silver Crystals Silver precious stones are lovely and effectively developed metal gems. You can watch precious stone development under a magnifying instrument or let the gems become for the time being for bigger gems. Headings Suspend a bit of copper wire in 0.1M silver nitrate in a test tube. On the off chance that you curl the wire you will get high surface region and increasingly obvious growth.Place the cylinder in an obscured area. Attempt to stay away from high-traffic (high-vibration) areas.Crystals ought to be obvious to the unaided eye on the copper wire after about 60 minutes, yet bigger precious stones and observable blue hue of fluid will happen overnight.ORPlace a drop of mercury in a test cylinder and include 5-10 ml 0.1M silver nitrate.Allow the cylinder to stand undisturbed in a dull area for 1-2 days. Precious stones will develop on the outside of the mercury. Tips It is anything but difficult to watch precious stones structure on a copper wire under a magnifying lens. The warmth of the magnifying instrument light will make gems structure very quickly.A displacement response is liable for precious stone development: 2Ag Cu â†' Cu2 2Ag Materials Needed 0.1M Silver NitrateTest TubeCopper Wire or Mercury
Saturday, July 18, 2020
The Impact of Bipolar Disorder on Sex
The Impact of Bipolar Disorder on Sex Bipolar Disorder Symptoms Mania and Hypomania Print The Impact of Bipolar Disorder on Sex By Marcia Purse Marcia Purse is a mental health writer and bipolar disorder advocate who brings strong research skills and personal experiences to her writing. Learn about our editorial policy Marcia Purse Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on January 01, 2015 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on January 03, 2020 Bipolar Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Your Rights Deux / Stone / Getty Images Sex is an important part of most of our lives and no less so for people living with bipolar disorder. But maintaining a healthy sexual relationship when bipolar can be as complex as the disease itself. Depending on the individual, behaviors can swing from periods of excessive sexuality to ones where sexual libido and function are seriously diminished. This high level of variability can impact a persons ability to date or maintain a long-term relationship. On the one hand, the impulsivity associated with bipolar mania can fuel unhealthy and even hurtful behaviors, while the rigors of depression can strain even the most committed relationships. Mania and Hypersexuality Hypersexuality is one of the behaviors that may manifest as a symptom of mania.?? It is defined as the increased need for sexual gratification, characterized by lowered inhibitions and/or the desire for forbidden sex. It is not unusual for people to experience a heightened sense of sexuality during a manic episode. In and of itself, this is not a problem. It is when it is paired with impulsivity, risk-taking, poor judgment, and expansivenessâ€"all features of bipolar maniaâ€"that hypersexuality can be destructive. When the pursuit of sex becomes compulsive, it may even be classified as a sex addiction.?? While the classification is still considered controversial, a person is said to have an addiction when he or she spends inordinate amounts of time in sexual-related activity to the point where important social, occupational, or recreational activities are neglected. Characteristics of sex addiction may include:Compulsive masturbationCompulsive sex with sex workersAnonymous sex with multiple partnersMultiple affairs outside a committed relationshipFrequent patronizing of sexually-oriented establishmentsHabitual exhibitionismHabitual voyeurismInappropriate sexual touching While hypersexuality and sex addiction are not inherent facets of bipolar mania, it is important to recognize the signs. Not only might like these behaviors hurt otherwise stable relationships, but they can also place the individual at increased risk of sexually transmitted infections and other harms. As such, finding the right combination of medications to control mania is considered essential to keeping hypersexuality from becoming destructive. Depression and Loss of Sexual Function Depression can kill the sex drive. And its not just the mood disorder itself that contributes to this; the very drugs used to treat depression can stifle libido and a persons ability to sexually function.?? People with bipolar disorder will sometimes go for months or even years with little to no interest in sex. This makes either pursuing or sustaining a relationship all the more difficult. Depression, by its very nature, fuels feelings of inadequacy and self-blame that translates to how one feels about sex in general. Bipolar disorder can challenge sexual relationships in a number of distinct ways: The bipolar person will often feel physically unattractive and undesirable.Lack of hygiene and grooming will often accompany these feelings.Feelings of inadequacy, vulnerability, and worthlessness interfere with intimacy.Exhaustion can make even the pursuit of sex emotionally and physically draining.The less sex a person has, the more he or she may feel guilt and self-doubt.Certain medications used to treat bipolar disorder (particularly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs) can decrease a persons sexual desire and/or ability to achieve an orgasm or erection. A lack of sexual interest is only one of the possible consequences of bipolar depression. In some cases, a person will behave in just the opposite manner, exhibit symptoms of hypersexuality as a means to compensate for these negative feelings. While treating bipolar depression must always remain the primary focus, it doesnt necessarily have to be the detriment of ones libido. There are ways to manage the sexual side effects of bipolar drugs without compromising treatment. By and large, SSRIs have not been found to be particularly effective for bipolar disorder. Mood stabilizers like lithium, Depakote (valproic acid), and Lamictal (lamotrigine) are considered more effective and typically have fewer sexual side effects.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Book Report Vietnam - 982 Words
Arrowood, Janet. Vietnam . Edison, NJ: Hunter Publishing, 2009. eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 1 Oct. 2015. The author is a travel expert in Southeast Asia. Her book â€Å"Vietnam†is about the useful experiences for every tourists when they plan to visit Vietnam. Janet focus on Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Nha Trang, and few central cities. The book has 2 episodes and included 30 chapters. It gives readers a background knowledge of culture, history, and local lifestyles. Each chapters takes readers on an introductory tour with stops at museums, historic sites, and local attractions. It provides the useful information for places to stay, eat, and get around. Detailed maps features and tourism contacts are also provided. This book is an adventure guide to Vietnam. Do, Minh Hong T. Tieng Viet: Introduction to Vietnamese Language and Culture. 3rd ed. Sacramento: Cosumnes River College, 2004. Print. The author is a professor of ESL and Vietnamese. This book has fourteen lessons, seven appendices, and two glossaries. They are built on a foundation of interaction, communication, and culture. This book not only provide an understanding of the language, but it also help students develop their language skills in Vietnamese. Students can learn to recognize, practice, and write the routine popular sentences. The appendices introduce the main historical events, traditional culture, politics, and geographical characteristics of Vietnam. The author is grateful for sharing herShow MoreRelatedBook Review of Backfire: a History of How American Culture Led Us Into Vietnam and Made Us Fight the Way We Did764 Words  | 4 PagesBackfire: A History of How American Culture Led Us into Vietnam and Made Us Fight the Way We Did, a book by Loren Baritz, describes t he myths America takes into wars, the decisions that made the Vietnam War and the bureaucracy at war. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The War Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki - 1550 Words
Many, if not all know of the infamy that arose from the ashes on August 6th, 1945. Three painfully slow days later a second shock-wave rocked through Japan with the trauma still rippling through the ruins of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These instances today still remain the only use of nuclear weapons ever used in the history of the world. Two bombs, two cities, three-hundred thousand casualties, only three days apart. While tragic, this historical event prevented the loss of hundreds of thousands of allied forces and supplies. This still under the presumption the move to overtake Japan with the traditional methods of warfare would work. The bombs carried the allied war machine past the fears of losing the lives of men for no sure strategic advantage. Already at a belated stage in the war this furthermore was an opportunity for the United States to insert their hand on the table of world power. Not to be confused with the task at hand to bring a swift end to the war, while being a saving grace for the rest of the world. On July 16th, 1945 the first experimental atomic bomb exploded over the desert in Alamogordo, New Mexico, roughly three years after the Manhattan Project was propelled into motion by President Roosevelt. Unfortunately, Mr. Roosevelt died before seeing the completion of the project. The unfinished business fell to the desk of the new commander in chief, President Harry S. Truman. In a frantic race to beat the Germans to nuclear warfare the United States caughtShow MoreRelatedHiroshima and Nagasaki: A Justified End to an Endless War700 Words  | 3 PagesHiroshima and Nagasaki: A Justified End to an Endless War On December 7th, 1941 the United States was attacked at Pearl Harbor by the Empire of Japan. This unprovoked assault on our nation’s soil forced Congress to take action with a formal declaration of war on Japan. 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The Americans dropped the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki because of them dropping the bomb on Pearl Harbor. America dropped the bomb because President Harry Truman commanded that if the Japanese made any attack on us, we would attack them. This bomb badly affected Japan. At least 140,000 Japanese people died, including 20,000 soldiers by December of 1945. At least 90% ofRead MoreHiroshima, Japan, And Japan1352 Words  | 6 PagesAnswers Who: Hiroshima, Japan and Nagasaki, Japan Leader of Japan: Hideki Tojo, Minister of war Leader of United States: General Douglas MacArthur Hiroshima Hiroshima is a city located in Honshu, Japan. On August 6, 1945, Hiroshima became the first city in the world to be struck by an atomic bomb. (Hiroshima, From 1868 it was a military center, and was a target for the atomic bombing by U.S. during World War II. Nagasaki Nagasaki is a city located in KyushuRead MoreA Closer Look at the Bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki1485 Words  | 6 Pages With multiple chances from the United States to surrender in the war and rejecting each one, the Japanese set themselves up for disaster. On August 6, 1945 the course of history was changed. Two atomic bombs were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima, and three days later, August 9, 1945, on Nagasaki that ended World War II. Japan had already been a defeated nation from conventional bombs and World War II. Many innocent lives were lost, psychological scars were left on the lives
Eth 125 Syllabus Course Free Essays
College of Humanities ETH/125 Version 6 Cultural Diversity Copyright  © 2010, 2009, 2007 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course is designed to educate students about issues of race and ethnicity by presenting historical and modern perspectives on diversity in the United States, and by providing tools necessary to promote a respectful and inclusive society. We will write a custom essay sample on Eth 125 Syllabus Course or any similar topic only for you Order Now Students will complete several activities that allow them to examine their own values in relation to the values of various other racial and ethnic communities. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: †¢University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. †¢Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Schaefer, R, T. 2006). Racial and ethnic groups (10th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Associate Level Writing Style Handbook, available online at https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/aapd/CWE/pdfs/Associate_level_writing_style_handbook. pdf All electronic materials are available on the student website. Week One: Race and Ethnicity: Key Conce pts Details Due Points Objectives 1. Recognize key terms and sociological concepts related to race and ethnicity. 2. Describe subordinate group creation and consequences. Course Preparation Read the course description and objectives. Read the instructor’s biography and post your own. Reading Read Appendix A. Reading Read Ch. 1 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. CheckPoint Defining Race and Ethnicity Write a 200- to 300-word summary that answers the following questions: †¢What do the terms race and ethnicity mean to you? †¢Why are these concepts important to United States society? Tuesday 15 CheckPoint The Sociology of Race and Ethnicity Resource: Ch. 1 of Racial and Ethnic Groups Utilize Appendix B to match key terms with their correct descriptions. Post the completed Appendix B as an attachment. Thursday 15 Assignment Journal Entry of a Subordinate Group Member Resources: Ch. 1 of Racial and Ethnic Groups and the U. S. Census Bureau American Fact Finder website athttp://factfinder. census. gov Select one of the following subordinate groups from Ch. 1 of the text. Because the chapter does not list all subordinate groups, you may select any other group that has a documented history in the United States. †¢Subordinate Groups: Native Americans, African Americans, Chinese Americans, Japanese Americans, Arab Americans, Filipino Americans, Korean Americans, Vietnamese Americans, Asian Indians, Hawaiians, Irish Americans, Polish Americans, Norwegian Americans, Jewish Americans, Cuban Americans, Mexican Americans, and Puerto Ricans. Identify and describe which, if any, of the following creation and consequence situations the group has faced: †¢Creation: migration, annexation, or colonization †¢Consequences: extermination, expulsion, secession, segregation, fusion, or assimilation Write a fictional, first-person account of the creation and consequence situations of a subordinate group in the United States in the form of a 700- to 1,050-word journal entry. Describe, as if you were a member of that subordinate group, where the group originated, how it came to the United States, and one or two locations in the United States where members of your group live. Be creative in your fictional descriptions, and accurate with your facts. Research your text, the Internet, or the University Library for information about your chosen group. Of particular usefulness is the People section of the U. S. Census Bureau American Fact Finder website athttp://factfinder. census. gov Cite your sources consistent with APA guidelines. Post your journal entry as an attachment. Sunday 100 Week Two: Recognizing and Overcoming Prejudice Details Due Points Objectives 1. Recognize how people are impacted by stereotypes. 2. Prescribe methods for strengthening modern efforts to reduce prejudice. 3. Recognize difficulties in analyzing prejudice. Reading Read Ch. 2 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. Reading Read Ch. 3 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. Reading Read Ch. 4 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. Participation Participate in class discussion. 4 days/wk 10 Discussion Questions Respond to weekly discussion questions. Tue/Thur 10 CheckPoint Implicit Association Test Complete the Harvard-Hosted Implicit Association Test (IAT) using the following instructions. The test should take about 10 minutes to complete. †¢Navigate to the Project Implicit ® home page at https://implicit. harvard. edu/implicit/ and clickDemonstration. At the IAT home page, click on the Go to the Demonstration Tests link. †¢At the Measure Your Attitudes page, find and click on the I wish to proceed link. †¢You will be prompted to select a test. Take one of the following IAT tests: ?Race IAT ?Arab-Muslim IAT ?Native IAT ?Asian IAT ?Skin-tone IAT Post a 200- to 300-word summary that answers all of the follow ing questions: †¢What was the result of your IAT? Do you think that the test produced valid results in your case? †¢In your opinion, is it difficult to accurately measure prejudice? Why or why not? †¢Describe other measurements sociologists utilize to calculate prejudice. Friday 30 Week Three: Countering Discrimination, Immigration in the United States Details Due Points Objectives 1. Recognize sources of discrimination in your environment. 2. Describe your personal cultural background. 3. Associate being an immigrant to the United States with its inherent challenges. CheckPoint Modern Challenges in Immigration Resources: Ch. 4 of Racial and Ethnic Groups and the U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) website atwww. uscis. gov Browse through the USCIS website, paying special attention to immigration forms, fees, fingerprinting, services, and benefits. Select an immigrant group from Ch. 4 of the text. Imagine yourself as a current member of your selected group, and consider the following question: Would I want to immigrate to the United States, and why? Think about what opinion you would have of the immigration process, including naturalization, the costs, fingerprinting, and so forth. Consider whether the process would seem easy or difficult for you as an immigrant. After you have thought about your answers, proceed to the next step of this CheckPoint. Post a 200- to 300-word summary that answers all of the following questions: Should United States government policy favor certain kinds of immigrants? †¢Should citizenship preference be given to the neediest applicants? The most talented? The most oppressed? The richest? †¢Should applications from certain countries be given priority? (Feltey, 2006, p. 11) Thursday 30 Assignment Ethnic Groups and Discrimination Resources: Racial and Ethnic Groups, the Internet, and the Univ ersity Library Select an ethnic group to which you belong. If you identify with more than one group, choose the group with which you most identify or about which you would like to learn more. Write a 700- to 1,050-word essay in which you answer the following questions: †¢Conduct research to determine if the group colonized or if it immigrated to the United States. Did the group face prejudice, segregation, racism, or any combination of the three? If so, how and why? Include your research findings in your essay. You may search through chapters of the text as part of your research. †¢Was this group affected by any of the following forms of discrimination, or did it participate in any of the following forms of discrimination? If so, describe: ?Dual labor market Environmental justice issues ?Affirmative action ?Redlining ?Double jeopardy ?Institutional discrimination ?Reverse discrimination ?Glass ceiling, glass walls, or glass escalator †¢Do you culturally identify more with the ethnic group you examined, with United States mainstream culture, or with both equally? Format your essay consistent with APA guidelines. Post your paper as an attachment. Sunday 100 W eek Four: African American Group Progress, Modern African American Dynamics Details Due Points Objectives 1. Describe the effects of slavery on modern America. . Associate African American leaders and groups with their successes of the Civil Rights and Black Power movements. 3. Weigh persisting social inequities endured by African Americans. Reading Read Ch. 7 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. Reading Read Ch. 8 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. Reading Read Ch. 11 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. Participation Participate in class discussion. 4 days/wk 10 Discussion Questions Respond to weekly discussion questions. Tue/Thur 10 CheckPoint Leaders and Legislation of the Civil Rights and Black Power Movements Research Ch. of the text and Appendix C to identify events and leaders of the Civil Rights and Black Power movements and their contributions to their respective causes. Complete both Parts I and II of Appendix C. Post the completed Appendix C as an attachment. Friday 30 Week Five: Muslim and A rab Americans Details Due Points Objectives 1. Describe the impact of Orientalism on Muslim and Arab Americans. 2. Identify causes of prejudice and discrimination against Muslim and Arab Americans. 3. Compare and contrast United States-centric views of Muslim and Arab Americans with United States-centric views of Christian Americans. CheckPoint Characteristics of Orientalism, Prejudice, and Discrimination Resource: Appendix D Post a 200- to 300-word response in which you complete the following: †¢Explain the difference between Muslims and Arabs. †¢According to research and news reports within the past 2 years, what are some of the changes the United States has made to policies concerning the treatment of Muslim and Arabic members of society? †¢List two to three characteristics of Orientalism. How may Orientalism and prejudice contribute to hate crimes against these groups? †¢What may individuals do to promote tolerance and reduce prejudice in their towns and cities? For ideas, visit the Teaching Tolerance website at http://www. tolerance. org, and the Southern Poverty Law Center website at http://www. splcenter. org. Thursday 30 Assignment United States-Centric Views Comparison Provide a copy of Appendix D to a friend or family member and ask that person to complete the table contained therein. In doing so, your chosen participant will consider what he or she thinks are the common United States-centric viewpoints on Muslim and Arab American and Christian American groups. Ask your participant to return their completed appendix at least 1 day before this assignment is due. Complete a duplicate copy of Appendix D, following the same directions as your participant. Write a 350- to 500-word summary in which you compare and contrast your participant’s answers with your own answers, and address the following questions: †¢How are your table answers similar? How are they different? †¢Do either tables list descriptors in the Both Groups category? Describe. †¢From either or both tables, name one or two descriptors that you think represent true facts about each group and one or two descriptors that you think are false. †¢How do you think an average American’s perceptions of each group are created? Post your summary and both completed copies of Appendix D as Microsoft ® Word attachments in your Assignments Section. Sunday 100 Week Six: Native American Cultures Details Due Points Objectives 1. Evaluate the overall effectiveness of Native American organizations in the advancement of their people’s needs. 2. Recognize how key policies shape the relationship between tribal Native Americans and the federal government. 3. Differentiate among causes of tribal poverty and prosperity. 4. Describe levels of Native American assimilation within mainstream society. Reading Read Ch. 6 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. Reading Read Ch. 9 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. Reading Read Ch. 10 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. Participation Participate in class discussion. 4 days/wk 10 Discussion Questions Respond to weekly discussion questions. Tue/Thur 10 CheckPoint Legislation Legacy Resources: National Congress of American Indians websitehttp://www. ncai. org and the Indian Country Today website athttp://www. indiancountry. com Post a 200- to 300-word summary of a current issue between Native Americans and the federal government. Identify the legislation that you think is linked to the issue, and explain why you think there is a connection. Consult the National Congress of American Indians website, the Indian Country Today newspaper, or another online source for examples of pertinent issues. Friday 30 Week Seven: Hispanic American Diversity Details Due Points Objectives 1. Describe cultural interests important to modern Hispanic Americans. 2. Give examples of diversity among Hispanic American groups. CheckPoint The Official Language Movement Resources: Racial and Ethnic Groups, the Internet, and the University Library Investigate the official language movement, which is an important Hispanic American cultural interest, described on pp. 243–244 of the text by researching bilingualism in education and politics in the United States. Find four to six credible websites or articles that support, oppose, or present information about bilingualism in education or politics. Most sources will focus exclusively on either topic of education or politics; therefore, try to find at least two sources per topic. Write one paragraph about each source, summarizing the main points presented. Provide APA-formatted reference citations. Submit all of your summaries in a 200- to 300-word post. Thursday 30 Assignment Hispanic American Diversity Resources: Racial and Ethnic Groups, the University Library, and the Internet Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word research paper in which you identify the linguistic, political, social, economic, religious, and familial conventions or statuses of four Hispanic groups living in the United States. Your paper must address Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, and two groups of your choice from Ch. 9 of the text. Dedicate an equal portion of your paper to each Hispanic group. Conclude your essay by summarizing major differences and commonalties apparent among the groups. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Post your paper as an attachment. Sunday 100 Week Eight: Asian American Relations Details Due Points Objectives 1. Recognize the cultural makeup of Asian American and Asian Pacific Islander minority groups present in United States society. 2. Compare and contrast the cultural experiences of Chinese and Japanese Americans. Reading Read Ch. 12 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. Reading Read Ch. 13 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. Participation Participate in class discussion. 4 days/wk 10 Discussion Questions Respond to weekly discussion questions. Tue/Thur 10 CheckPoint Asian Americans According to the U. S. Census Bureau Complete the matrix in Appendix E using information from the Asian Pacific American Heritage Month press release located under the Materials tab on the student website. Post the completed Appendix E as an attachment. Friday 30 Week Nine: Core Concept Application Details Due Points Objectives 1. Describe the effects of the expansion of race and ethnicity on United States society. Capstone CheckPoint Write a 200- to 300-word summary that answers all of the following questions: †¢What information about race and ethnicity in the United States has helped you better understand or relate to specific minority groups? †¢Have you learned something new about your own cultural history? †¢Trends in immigration will continue to shape the face of the United States. What will this face look like in the year 2050? †¢How might the country best prepare for the changing race and ethnicity of its current and future citizens? Thurs. 30 Final Project Race and Your Community Resource: Appendix A. Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word autobiographical research paper that analyzes the influences of race as it relates to your community. In your paper, write your first-person account of how human interactions in your community have been racialized. For the community, you may consider relations within your neighborhood, local government, service groups, clubs, schools, workplace, or any environment of which you are a part. Answer the following questions and provide examples: †¢Do members of your community look like you? In what ways do they look the same or different? How do leaders within your community treat people who are like you? How do they treat people who are different? †¢How do other members of your community treat people who are like you? How do they treat people who are different? †¢Do your texts or work manuals contain information by or about people like you? †¢Do the local media represent people like you? If so, in what ways? †¢What are some similariti es and differences between you and the people who are in leadership positions in your community? Do you think minority group interests are represented within your community? If you could resolve any inequities within your community, what would you change? How and why? †¢Which main concepts from the text relate to race? Apply some of these concepts to your project. Include the following elements in your paper: †¢The thesis addresses racial issues in your local community. †¢The content is comprehensive and accurate. †¢The paper itself draws on your personal experiences with and opinions about cultural diversity in your community. †¢Three sources are used, and one source is a community member, leader, or representative from a local community organization. The paper is written in first-person point of view, with an autobiographical approach. †¢Text concepts are applied to your observations. †¢Assignment questions are answered. †¢The paper includes perspectives from supporting sources. †¢The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points. †¢Paragraph transitions are present. †¢The tone is appropriate. †¢Sentences are well-constructed. †¢The paper, title page, and references follow APA guidelines. †¢Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed. †¢Spelling is correct. Post your completed research as an attachment. Sunday 250 Copyright University of Phoenix ® is a registered trademark of Apollo Group, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft ®, Windows ®, and Windows NT ® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Use of these marks is not intended to imply endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation. Edited in accordance with University of Phoenix ® editorial standards and practices. How to cite Eth 125 Syllabus Course, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Open Life By Joseph Campbell Essays - , Term Papers
Open Life By Joseph Campbell In the novel, An Open Life, by Joseph Campbell, I agree that life is like a novel and that disasters result in structuring a great aspect of your life. If you really think about what Mr. Campbell is saying, he is right. Looking back at my life with all the ups and downs I have experienced, made me who I am now, which is a great thing. I had an experience with a boyfriend which caused me to get a great job to make as much money as my Mother. A reading that makes me agree with Mr. Campbell quote, was when I read my Mother's journal that she kept from the start of my birth until I was ten. An observation that I got to see was from the movie Don't be a Menace to Society While Drinking your Juice in the Hood. In this movie, Ashtray becomes a man by observing on how his friends are. I agree with Joseph Campbell, that life is like a novel. An experience I had with the opposite sex made me who I am now. One evening my boyfriend and I agreed that we would go out with some friends, and go our separate ways. When he left, I called my friend to see if she wanted to do something. We ended up going to the movies. During the movie I noticed that my friend wanted to tell me something but backed off for a while. When she could not hold it any longer, she told me to look back. When I did, I saw my now ex-boyfriend making out with a girl. I was devastated when I had seen that, I even ended up quitting college for this. I was thinking about this all day and forgot to realize that I had a math exam the next day. So what I did was that I quit college. My Mom was very upset that I had quit for such a reason. It was impossible living with my Mom when this had happened. She did not like the fact that I quit school and did not even have a job to take advantage of. But a couple of weeks later, YOUR NAME 3 opportunity came ringing on the phone. My aunt called and told me that she was looking for an assistant. I went the next day for an interview and got hired on the spot. Till this day I am working at Century 21 Su Casa, a real estate company, making almost as much money as my mother. Sometimes I think that if this would have never happened, where would I be or what would I be doing? If this disaster would have never happened to me, then my life would be different than how it is now. Reading my Mother's journal makes me agree with Mr. Campbell. She had kept this journal from my birth until I was ten years old. According to my Mom thought now for me was the right age to learn where I came from and the disasters my Mom had to go through. In this journal she states that when I was younger my mother left my father because of his drinking problem. When this happened she had to claim welfare for about one year. During this year my mom could have just decided to stay on welfare for the rest of her life, but she got smart, went to college and got a degree in Business. If my mom would have not gotten smart during this period we would have probably still been on welfare, but thanks to mom she gave us a better life. She now has more than enough money to support us both. Nothing could be better, we have our own house, and each a car. This proves that problems whether big or small structure a great aspect of your life. By observing the movie, Don't be a Menace to Society While Drinking your Juice in the Hood, we see that Ashtray by observing on how his friends made him to become a better person. What I observed from this movie was that Ashtray's friends were playing with women and not take responsibility toward their actions. Most of all his friends had had enpregnated women and did not even care for the children. This girl that YOUR NAME 4 lived in the same block as Ashtray and his friends was very easy to get in bed. This
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